Career Guidance

Personnal and professional report

Personnal and professional report :

Obtain a personal report to ensure success in your personal and professional life. The Comcolors report is an instrument for evaluating personality traits supported by research in human sciences. This report identifies your natural (non technical) skills as well as your possible negative behaviour.

To succeed in your personal and professional live you should identify your character traits, your strengths as well as your negative “usual” behaviour.
If you are conscious of your own behaviour (positive and negative), you will be more effective, you will take more pleasure in doing things, you will have access to your personal power in putting into action that which you really are.  Therefore, you can choose a professional activity that enables you to achieve, be yourself and organise your life around what is essential for you.

Careed Guidance:

The objective of the ComColors report is to help you identify your personality traits and to evaluate how you use your natural skills and in how far you adapt yourself to your environment.

The validation of a Comcolors report must be done during an interview with a certified  Comcolors Trainer, who is registered on the Comcolors list of consultants.


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